Monday, January 21, 2008

Soul Mates

* I am able to see my personal abilities and inabilities in balanced perspective

* I often put my spouse first through small acts of service

* I welcome advice from my spouse on many topics and problems

* I admit when I am wrong

* I accept apologies from my spouse and offer forgiveness freely

* I respond graciously when I'm right and my spouse is wrong

I found this checklist a long time ago, during my surfing of information. It seemed to be a very timely reminder. I've been blessed with the opportunity to share my life with a soul mate. A person who is always with me...sees me at my utmost worst and helps me to shine. I'm to be his helpmate...a support, encouragement, ears which will hear and allow the day to melt away, give unconditional love and so very much more.

This checklist just seems to be a very important piece in the whole sharing of life with a soul mate.

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